Friday, September 2, 2011

Zimba & Livingston

On Monday, Mr. Jere (our driver), Dr. Mumba (the Zambian ophthalmologist), and I started off on the nearly 400 km trek to Zimba, in the Southern Province.  There we met Drs. Jeffrey Colquhoun and Douglas Buxton, two American ophthalmologists who were in Zambia on their yearly short-term mission trip through International Vision Volunteers, screening and operating on patients at the Zimba Eye Centre. 
Swarms of people patiently awaited their turn to be evaluated.  Prepared to stay several days, many of them brought their belongings in a sack (most importantly a blanket and a pot), and at night they camped out under the stars after cooking a meal on a small self-started fire just around the clinic. 
It was refreshing to see this American team selflessly giving of their time, money, and talent to help provide eye care to this destitute population.  We had a nice chat with the doctors and began to make plans on how to collaborate.  I agreed to follow up any patients who lived closer to Lusaka, especially those who had recently undergone corneal transplantation.  They generously offered to donate any excess supplies that were not used during their trips.  All in all, I enjoyed meeting this group and look forward to working with them in the future. 

Because we were so close to Livingston (only 80 km from Zimba), I begged my driver to let me see Victoria Falls before we headed back to Lusaka.   

We spent a good two hours enjoying the beauty of the Falls, then on Wednesday we journeyed back to Lusaka. Now that I have seen the Falls during the dry season, I can't wait to see its waters brimming over after the rainy season.  I will definitely be back.


  1. Glad you had a safe trip and were able to spend 2 hours at Victoria Falls!

  2. Amazing! The Falls! Dry season, you say??

    Glad you met some cheerful collaborators.

    Next time I have to wait somewhere, I am going to give thanks that I did not have to bring a sack and a pot because it might take days. Yowsa.

  3. Next time you go during the dry season (August-September), see if you can catch a guided walk through the shallow waters from the top of the falls across to Livingstone Island, from which you can see, or swim to Devil's Pool, a hot-tub size depression at the rim of the drop-off. I found the guides just by accident at a table at the top of the falls where people swim on one of my many visits from Zimba IVV. And yes, the wet season falls are spectacular. [sign-in a nickname]

    1. I have had the opportunity to swim in Devil's Pool...what an amazing experience, literally looking over the ledge of the waterfall!!! =) It took my breath away.
