Thursday, October 27, 2011

Random snapshots

For those non-medical readers who do not enjoy my persistent ophthalmology blog entries, here are a few random photos.  

With a few staff members and their family at our recent retreat to Siavonga.

A visit to the crocodile farm

Lounging, mouths wide open

"Downtown Siavonga"

Back at home, hang-drying at its best


  1. man you guys pictures always look so professional! and what do they do with the crocodile farm?

  2. @Fred: pics courtesy of paul. =) as for the crocodile farm...they breed the crocs, then when the skin is just perfect they kill the animals and sell the skins to singapore to be made into purses, belts, and shoes. =(
    @cornucopiandad: those are all paul's shirts. =)
